Birthday Adventure - Part 2

Part two of my birthday adventure consisted of two fun-packed days in Edinburgh. After a near four hour drive from Blackpool, we arrived in a sunny Edinburgh, which took us both by surprise as we assumed it always rained in Scotland. Here, we stayed at the Marriott Courtyard Hotel

Day One in Edinburgh consisted of dinner at the Hawksmoor, which was an astronomical delight, followed by a ghost tour - spooky! We were led around the Old Town by some git who called himself Dr Robert Knox. Your typical Am-Dram twat, we stupidly traipsed behind him whilst having to endure his boring tales (which was very reminiscent of spending time with Max). When the tour blessedly came to an end, we headed back to our hotel for some well earned sleep. 

Day Two started off with a visit to Edinburgh Castle. There's not much to say about the castle, other than it's a castle, much like any other. 
Following the castle we were booked into the Edinburgh Dungeons, where we were transported back in time to the city's murky history via the medium of drama school actors and sets. These actors were one step above the previous night's offering, and the special effects were high quality. There was lots of water spraying and frivolity, with the only thing to impair the experience being a slightly over-enthusiastic child who I wanted to gag (again, very reminiscent of Max). 

The Dungeon experience culminated in a drop-ride, meant to recreate the experience of being hanged. Whilst this elicited a small scream from myself, the look of sheer terror on Mike's face was well worth the £20 he paid for the photos of our visit. 
After Mike had recovered from our Dungeon experience, we headed off to Mary King's Close - the City under the City. Whilst this was a fascinating place to visit, we were yet again forced to endure more boring tales of times past from a young'un fresh out of drama school. Whilst not quite as exciting as the Dungeons, it was definitely more atmospheric, and slightly claustrophobic. It was, however, another opportunity for us to be fleeced for a branded photo. I'm not entirely sure how to describe the look on Mike's face in this photo, or his stance for that matter. I think he may be trying to mask his fear. I'm not actually convinced it's even Mike in the photo. 
After our tour of the underground city, we wearily headed back to our hotel before having an early dinner at Mamma Roma, a lovely Italian restaurant opposite our hotel. By this point I was absolutely knackered and on the verge of collapsing. And this is where our Edinburgh adventure ends. The final part of our adventure starts in the morning....

Check out Instagram for more photo's of my adventures


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