
Showing posts from November, 2020

Filth and danger

  After a two-week break, my return to adventuring saw me and my idiot brother go in search of Gullet Quarry . Luckily for me, Max wasn't sure he was actually covered by his insurance to drive my motor, so his incompetence didn't make it anywhere near the steering wheel. Located amongst the Malvern Hills, the quarry is very much like all disused quarries, and consists of rocks and water. It is also highly dangerous, with the local rag claiming it poses not a single, not a double, but a triple death threat . The highest level of death threat available.  Ensuring we were vigilant, we proceeded with caution on our walk around the quarry. Max had made the mistake, yet again, of coming unsuitably attired for our adventure, and whinged like a little girl the whole way about his best shoes getting muddy. The man truly is a fool.  We scaled the cliff face by way of a filth laden, barely there path, accompanied by Max's incessant whining about his bloody shoes, and eventually emerge

Halloween Special

  This weekend's adventure was a Halloween Special. And what better way to celebrate all things ghostie, than a walk in the driving rain, up a hill, with my prat of a brother.  With little to no imagination between the two of us, we set off on the first part of our spooky adventure - Garway Hill (a location famously known for not being even remotely spooky). We took Max's motor on this adventure, and it soon became clear why I didn't want to take mine. The track up to the car park was what Max described as 'looking like it had been shelled' - having prior knowledge of this, and seeing Max slowly destroy my motor over all of our previous adventures, I thought it far better to destroy the pile of crap he drives.  By the time we parked up, the weather was perfectly foul. However, we persisted with our stupid quest to walk to the summit of the hill; with me suitably attired in welly boots and waterproof jacket, and the idiot wearing absolutely nothing waterproof (despi