Crooked pubs and rock houses


This weekend's adventure was to Dudley and Kinver, in search of wonky pubs and cave houses. 

The first stop on our journey was to the Crooked House pub in Dudley. Located out of town, after following a very convoluted route, we turned down a very unassuming looking track which meandered its way down to the pub. If it weren't for the intermittent signposts assuring visitors they are on the right track, you would be forgiven for thinking you had taken a wrong turn and ended up on the set of the Hills Have Eyes. 

Exactly as the name suggested, we were indeed greeted by a crooked house. Going inside is like entering a fun house at the fair, and I was immediately overwhelmed by a feeling of sea sickness. Although the floors are straight (except for in the front vestibule), the walls and windows are all on the wonk, which gives the illusion that you are leaning. It wasn't a pleasant feeling and I couldn't imagine spending a long amount of time in there without vomiting. 

After stumbling out of the pub like a drunkard, although being quite sober, we jumped into the motor and headed for Kinver Edge. On route we stopped off at Hickory's Smokehouse for some lunch, where Mike ate his weight in meats. 

Our next stop, Kinver Edge, was a collection of cave houses built into the rock face. These fascinating dwellings were actually lived in until the 1960's when they were condemned. Now owned by the National Trust, the rock houses have been reinstated to their former glory and includes the obligatory NT tea shop. There are only a handful of the houses which you can walk around, however they are well worth the visit. 

After leaving the rock houses, we climbed to the top of the hill which brings you out at the Hillside Fort (there is not an actual fort disappointingly). There is, however, a great view over the Staffordshire countryside, if you can survive the knackering walk up to it. 

With the sun starting to set, we made our way back downhill to the motor and onwards to home. It had been a delightful day out, and I know all three of my readers will be pleased that there has been another installment of my pointless blog after my brief hiatus.

If you should ever find yourself in Dudley (unlikely, I know), then you should definitely pay a visit to the Crooked House, but brace yourself for feeling nauseous. And Kinver Edge is a curious place to visit. 

Check out Instagram for more photos of my adventures


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