Halloween Special


This weekend's adventure was a Halloween Special. And what better way to celebrate all things ghostie, than a walk in the driving rain, up a hill, with my prat of a brother. 

With little to no imagination between the two of us, we set off on the first part of our spooky adventure - Garway Hill (a location famously known for not being even remotely spooky). We took Max's motor on this adventure, and it soon became clear why I didn't want to take mine. The track up to the car park was what Max described as 'looking like it had been shelled' - having prior knowledge of this, and seeing Max slowly destroy my motor over all of our previous adventures, I thought it far better to destroy the pile of crap he drives. 

By the time we parked up, the weather was perfectly foul. However, we persisted with our stupid quest to walk to the summit of the hill; with me suitably attired in welly boots and waterproof jacket, and the idiot wearing absolutely nothing waterproof (despite the fact it was raining when he left the house). With the wind driving the rain into us, we made a valiant effort to reach the top. However, after 10 minutes it became abundantly clear we had done a silly thing, and with both of us drenched to the skin (yes, even me with my waterproof jacket and wellies), we sensibly made the decision to turn back.

Having never been so happy to see Max's rubbish car, we eagerly jumped in and headed for home - not before Max made a dog's dinner of turning the car around. The drive home was deeply unpleasant; not just because of Max's inane wittering, but because I was sat in wet clothes. 

After returning home and changing into something dry, the next part of our spooky adventure took us to the house we grew up in as young children, which my parents reliably inform me lots of creepy stuff happened in. The house itself is empty, having just been sold, and as trips down memory lane go, this was a pleasant one. If you look really closely at the photo below, in the bottom left window you can just make out the outline of absolutely nothing. Needless to say, nothing even slightly spooky happened while we were there, and I began to suspect my parents of making up the ghostie tales of our childhood (shame on them if they did).

After leaving the Amityville horror house, Max and Father Salsbury left to chop Halloween logs at the farm (I know, scary right?), while I ventured home to salvage what was left of Halloween - and what actually turned out to be a nap on the sofa and the highlight of my day so far.

As Halloween's go, this one was rubbish. The scariest thing about it was how thick my brother was to go walking in the pouring rain without any form of waterproof clothing. I do hope Halloween next year is just as crap. 

I will leave you with a photo of this creepy git I found...


Check out Instagram for more photos of my adventures


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